ROBIN #15 Review

strong>SYNOPSIS: Damian Wayne is back from the Shadow War and licking his wounds the best way a Wayne knows how…brooding (duh). But in light of the shocking death in the al Ghul family, Robin resolves to dig deeper into the world of the Demon…and a return to Lazarus Island-with Flatline at his side-leaves him with yet another shocking revelation!

The fallout of Shadow War means change is coming for Damian Wayne. Which side of the family does he go back to? Williamson elaborates on where Robin goes next!

Aptly titled, “Parent Trap” goes after the Peter Verra dollars with Damian confronting the Red Triangle Circus Gang! It isn’t long before the fight becomes a family affair, and the Bat-Fam drops in to even the odds against an endless supply of clowns emanating from one really tiny clown car! It’s a fun start to the issue, with a nod to some of the clown designs as seen in Batman Returns for good measure. However, no clowns were burned alive or exploded in the making of this comic.

Taking a pizza break in the Batcave, Gotham’s guardians find out that Talia has escaped her confinement by the D.E.O. This takes Batman and Robin to their HQ to find out what happened. The trail eventually leads them to a familiar dock and a familiar family squabble.

It’s moments like these where I feel for Damian. Both his parents love him, despite having a hard (okay, very hard) time showing it and both want him to accompany them on whatever adventures come next. The fact that he has become the voice of reason between them is astonishing and a testament to all the character-building that Morrison, Tomasi, and now Williamson have done throughout the years. I love the emotional honesty he has with them. He doesn’t want them together, just to get along and respect one another. He has really matured a lot in this series.

Part of that growth is seen in his plans with Connor Hawke for Lazarus Island. Building off a story in DC Pride 2022, the duo has returned to Lazarus Island and has plans of making it a haven for people who have been lost like them. I’m happy to see these two Super-Sons continuing to stick together, building on their commonalities. The issue’s conclusion certainly sets them up for an interesting challenge…

Roger Cruz returns for art duties. He gives the book a youthful exuberance befitting its young protagonist. He perhaps could have sold the idea of the clown car a little bit better by not having the frame so tight, but I enjoyed how he depicted the moments leading up to it. I love his panel of a silhouetted Batman alone at the dock, paralleling one similar to Talia. In fact, his transitions are pretty good throughout.

Robin continues to be a fun book. Damian is insisting on his own independence and given the plans, DC has for this title, we are in for some interesting times ahead. As long as Damian continues his growth as a character, I’ll be there! Javier E. Trujillo



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