SYNOPSIS: Superman is in bad shape after the beating he took from Metallo, but questions need answers. How did the Russians build his suit, and where did his Kryptonite come from? And when it comes to getting answers, the Man of Steel knows just who to turn to: intrepid reporter Lois Lane!

Metallo declares war against Superman on American soil! These two men of steel will duke it out in the nation’s capital, and only one can be declared the winner!

After the massive battle at the White House, Superman is forced to turn to his sworn enemy Lex Luthor for help in his fight with Metallo. But what does the greatest criminal mind of our lifetime know about the Russian war machine, and just how will Superman use the info to take the fight to Metallo?

Forgive me as we catch up on the continuing adventures of Christopher Reeve’s Superman!

So far, this has been a quick series to read and I feel my comments can be applied equally across the last three issues.

I feel a little disappointed.

I hate to say it, but this title is not grabbing me like its predecessor. It started with a lot of promise and an interesting concept but feels a bit like it’s spinning its wheels to make a certain number of issues.

Plot-wise, it doesn’t feel like we get much between issues 2-4. While the fifth issue felt like I got more bang for my buck, the proceeding ones could be read in a handful of minutes. I don’t know if this is a problem with how the script was laid out or the art.

Ah, the art. While I was singing the praises of Gavin Guidry the first issue, I feel like the art has taken a downward turn in recent months. Backgrounds lack a lot of detail, and while some of the actors’ mannerisms shine through, I’m not seeing as much of the likeness like I used to.

Furthermore, the panels often tend to be huge, making the storytelling feel truncated and quick. Add this in with the aforementioned lack of background details and it just feels rushed and missing substance.

When it comes to issue #5 I liked the continued inclusion of Sam Lane, someone we didn’t get to see in the Reeve movies. It’s great to see Lois’ relationship with him and how he views Superman and the Man of Steel’s relationship with his daughter.

Venditti has Hackman’s Lex down cold. He’s so smug and arrogant and even though he got duped by the Russians, he doesn’t let it affect his massive ego. His remark about being a capitalist echoes his feelings in Superman IV, which I thought was a nice touch.

I also appreciate the Rocky IV of it all. American Superman versus Russian Metallo is a great idea. Venditti touches on the ideology of both countries, even going so far as to have the Russians afraid of Superman when he heads for a faceoff. And like Rocky IV, Metallo’s ego is starting to get the best of him. Could this series end with the whole world embracing the Man of Steel?

I don’t hate this series. I think it could use some tightening up in places and expanding in others; like Jor-El and Lara just sitting in a bottle. I wish there was some more meat on the bone. It might feel more satisfying collected in a trade, but monthly installments lack enough substance to make it a fulfilling reading experience. Javier E. Trujillo



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