James Gunn “Contemplated” Robert Pattinson as the DCU Batman

Context is everything.

Therefore I 100% suggest that you actually watch the video interview of James Gunn being asked about Robert Pattinson and the DCU Batman on Josh Horowitz’s HAPPY SAD CONFUSED podcast.

So yeah, Horowitz asked Gunn about Batman and if he ever contemplated having Robert Pattinson be the DCU version of the character and appearing in Matt Reeves’ THE BATMAN EPIC CRIME SAGA (TBECS).  This is what he said…

I’ve contemplated it, yeah. I contemplate everything. I talk about everything.

Again, context is everything and to see and hear Gunn answer this question says as much or more than the words that came out of his mouth — especially in written form.  He’s laughing as he answered, for one thing.  Also, of course he “contemplated” the idea as he should have.  Now that doesn’t mean it would’ve been the right thing to do — it wouldn’t have — but you definitely have to consider all possibilities.

What was also made clear (again) is that Matt Reeves is doing his own thing with Batman — Reeves never intended and doesn’t want to be part of a shared DC universe — and Gunn and company certainly respect that.   On a related note…

Alluding to Reeves’ TBECS, Gunn reiterates that he wants and is committed to DC ELSEWORLDS projects…

I’m committed to both telling stories in the DCU and telling ELSEWORLDS stories. I want the freedom to tell ELSEWORLDS stories.  We want to be able to tell a story about Superman [that’s different]. A RED SON story. Whatever. We want to be able to play with these characters in different ways…I think that’s part of the fun of DC.

Amen!  I have feared that the ELSEWORLDS banner was a banner in name only and would quietly disappear once Reeves was finished with TBECS.  This new DCU really doesn’t set itself apart from Disney’s MCU, but having DC films, HBO series, animated projects, etc. that are not part of Gunn’s DCU shared universe certainly does.

As I’ve said many times here on BOF’s platforms, WB and DC Studios would be dumb AF if they didn’t cultivate DC ELSEWORLDS projects.  What if a bigtime filmmaker had an idea for a DC film but wanted it to be its own thing?  You tell them no because it’s not part of the DCU shared universe? GTFOH!  SUPERMAN: RED SON would make for a hell of an HBO series ala WATCHMEN (So would KINGDOM COME, THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT, etc., in my opinion).  I’m happy that’s not the case and I’ll hold James Gunn to his word going forward.

Again, watch the entire interview — it’s very good and informative — and don’t just read the text of what Gunn said or simply read the headlines. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

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