SYNOPSIS: Absolute Batman has established himself as an extremely large force to be reck-oned with. But how did he get to this point? How did he push himself? And how did the tragic events of his childhood, and the advice of his father, shape the man who he became…literally? Guest artist Gabriel Walta joins for this essential origin issue of Absolute Batman to explore Bruce Wayne’s past, and his inevitable future to go BIGGER. Don’t miss this pivotal issue!



Pick whichever one you like the best, even though it’s officially, “The 200, Part 4,” of ABSOLUTE BATMAN #4, that is.

We’ve seen flashbacks of events in the Absolute Bruce Wayne’s life in the previous three issues.  But in this, we’re told the origin story of Absolute Batman.  Of course, we’ve seen Batman’s beginning has been told several times before…but not quite like this.

We’ve seen Bruce’s infatuation with bats already, but his depth of bat knowledge is further demonstrated in this issue.  It’s not necessarily to “strike fear into the hearts of criminals,” but that Bruce believes that bats are, well, awesome.  Speaking of frightening criminals…

His first outings as Batman are more Nosfuratu than The Shadow or Zorro…and it’s not working.  Sporting a big bat-head mask, fake fangs, and a gun — a prop gun, apparently — it just ain’t doing the trick.  Bruce realizes that he needs to be something more than just a scary monster.   His epiphany: Batman should fight for the people and be an agent against corruption.

Mixed in with the origin of Absolute Batman, is the story of a young Bruce facing his Father’s killer, Joe Chill, at the latter’s trial.  It’s a heartbreaking display of extreme grief and anger…which serves as fuel for Bruce’s Batman destiny.  But his face-to-face with Joe Chill isn’t just a one-off.  The adult Bruce has a meeting with Chill in prison which is teased at the end of the issue.  It’ll be interesting to see where this subplot goes.

ABSOLUTE BATMAN #4 is the best issue of this title so far. (and I’ve quite liked all of them).  While evoking a BATMAN: YEAR ONE vibe and subtle nods to other Batman stories, it pays tribute to Batman history with a new interpretation of The Dark Knight’s origin that still feels familiar.  A nice mix of fresh Bat-ideas and nods to the Bat-mythos.  It must be liberating for writer Scott Snyder to be able to tell a new Batman story without the shackles of continuity that working on a legacy Batman title does not allow.

I’ll say this again, ABSOLUTE BATMAN is a new slant on the character, but at its core, it’s very much “Batman.”  Jump on board if you haven’t already. – Bill “Jett” Ramey


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