CATWOMAN #5 Review

Joelle Jones cranks Catwoman to an 11 this month in Catwoman #5.

After last month’s flashback-heavy issue, we waste no time here moving the story along. The artist/writer has an interesting approach, jumping between two storylines at the same time, interchanging panels between Selina Kyle taking on corrupt doctors/nurses at her sister’s hospital, and the governor’s wife assisting her husband killing himself at their mansion.

The link between the two stories: narssistrine, a drug that can either make you feel invincible, or like you need to skin yourself alive. Unfortunately for the governor, it’s the latter.

Jones gives us all action, little dialogue, and nothing else on every panel. That’s not a bad thing. It makes this issue extremely exciting and a joy to read. We are getting an excellent, ass-kicking Catwoman that takes no prisoners. Meanwhile, she’s helping develop Raina Creel (the governor’s wife) into one nasty woman (both literally and metaphorically). The action speaks louder than words on every page, getting us excited for the promised showdown next month.

Jones is also at the top of her game with every setting, character and action beat. Her style is unique in and of itself, but playing in Catwoman’s world is a treat for all. There’s a simple nature to it that is both charming and haunting.

Laura Allred’s coloring benefits each panel, taking advantage of singular, bold colors filling in buildings, skies, and characters. It helps create this tone that is comfortable yet unsettling at the same time.

If you’ve been reading Catwoman, you’ll buy this an be pleased. It’s a quick read, but the story moves along with an exciting, violent 20 pages that’ll leave you yearning for the next issue.

It’s becoming a challenge reviewing this book because I’m running out of ways to compliment Joelle Jones. She must have taken a shot of narssistrine, because she’s becoming invincible. – Ryan Lower


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