Here we are once again, which can mean only one thing: There is a new issue of Detective Comics out!

The Ram V run on this title has been very ambitious, introducing new characters and putting some of our favorites in new situations, turning Gotham on its head. We have a new backup writer, Alex Pakndel, for the first time in the V run. We have lots to unpack, BOFers. Let’s get into it!

WHOA! DC #1084 is the type of Batman that I expect from V in every issue. This Batman is confident and a brute force on a mission. V excels in the motivations of Batman, Gordon, and Catwoman. These are the versions of the characters we have loved for 80 years. Like I said on the last BOF Social Hour, “Let Batman be Batman.”  Do not reinvent the wheel here; again, 80+ years of history speak volumes.

Sure, there are some strange moments: Batman fights a fake scaleless Croc thing, and Six-Eyed Sally is still in play, but there seems to be more sprinkled in that V is teasing Lady Shiva, Black Mask, and Joker. These are the characters that get me excited as Batman. V even nails Batman’s sense of humor in a way that makes me want to scream out, “Suck it, Kowalski! RISES!” This is what I knew V was capable of the whole time. I hope it will be consistent.

Javier Fernandez is our artist on this issue. Fernandez does a fantastic job in this issue, with flowing capes, fight sequences, and close-ups of scared crooks. He nails every panel on every page. Batman is investigating the crime scene from a classic buddy cop film. Fernandez fits like a glove when it comes to Batman. Hell, Fernandez gave us a smiling Batman that Kilmer and Affleck would appreciate. And yes, the tribute to Rises (Suck it Kowalski) is the chef’s kiss.

This issue has it all. V is back on track in the primary, and we have a new backup writer! Alex Pakndel delivers a Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) that is action-packed. Batgirl and Lady Shiva are pouncing around Gotham. The story leans a little into sci-fi, but nothing that turned me off. This is the best pack-up in Detective since Rosenberg way back when. I hope it continues for the foreseeable future.

Detective Comics #1084 is a good comic. Some storylines got tied up, some are loose ends, and new ones are forming with every page turn. This is just the stuff I expect from V; I do want him to take chances. I was not too fond of the previous ones. Let’s see what he has up his sleeve going forward. This could be the turning point. It’s a solid primary story putting Batman back in Gotham paired with an intriguing sidekick backup. This is a book you should have on your pull list this month. Even I liked it! – Peter Verra


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