Tomlin Gives Update on THE BATMAN: PART II

THE BATMAN: PART II co-screenwriter Mattson Tomlin has provided an update on the film’s status…and it’s something we’ve known for a while now.  “It’s shooting next year [2025]. We’re gearing up…the bar just couldn’t be higher”  Tomlin also added the following about the project and working with Matt Reeves…

It’s the sequel to the first one. But also, Matt [Reeves] is like no other. In the five years now that I’ve been working with him as closely as I have, I’ve tried to absorb as much as humanly possible from him, and I’m so grateful for the time that I get to spend with him, because he is a true artist who is operating in a world where sometimes art doesn’t get to

flourish, and he’s trying to make something that really matters. So to be able to just be on the ride and be part of that process, it’s pretty unbelievable, pretty tremendous. I’m psyched for the movie.

Mattson Tomlin

So yeah, again, filming will begin next year.

Originally planned to start filming this year (2024) and an October 2025 release, the project was pushed back an entire year due to various things, especially the WGA and SAG strikes.  But all good things come to those who wait as the delay means we get to experience the excitement of the leadup to the film for another year.  Furthermore, the next chapter of THE BATMAN SAGA, the HBO/MAX series THE PENGUIN, will commence airing in less than a month and we’ll have essentially an 8-hour sequel to THE BATMAN to enjoy!

In the meantime, go back and read the junior novel BEFORE THE BATMAN, check out THE RIDDLER: YEAR ONE comic book written by The Riddler himself, Paul Dano, rewatch THE BATMAN, and enjoy 8 weeks of THE PENGUINTHE BATMAN: PART II will be here and gone before we know it.  Immerse yourself in THE BATMAN UNIVERSE and, as always, enjoy the ride! – Bill “Jett” Ramey

THE BATMAN: PART II will be released on October 2, 2026.  For BOF’s coverage of this film, visit BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN: PART II Page. For BOF’s coverage of 2022’s THE BATMAN, visit BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN PageCLICK HERE for BOF’s coverage of THE PENGUIN.

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