BOFSH 77 | THE BATMAN Chapter 6: “The City’s a Powderkeg…and The Riddler’s the Match”



On the 77th episode of the Social Hour Podcast,  BOF’s Founder/EIC Bill Ramey and Senior BOF Contributor Ryan Lower break down, discuss, and analyze THE BATMAN Chapter 6: “The Town’s a Powderkeg…And The Riddler’s the Match.”  This show is part of BOF’s THE BATMAN CHAPTER BY CHAPTER series.  CLICK HERE for all episodes.

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  • 0:00-6:21 Intro, Witty Banter
  • 6:21-47:47 THE BATMAN Chapter 6 Discussion
  • 47:47-54:35 Plugs, Credits, Announcer Rachel Outro

NEXT | Chapter 7: “Don’t Lose Your Head Mr. Colson”