Bat-Suit Concept Art for Keaton’s Batman in THE FLASH


First of all, to hell with “X”.  ANYWAY…

Via the social media app formerly known as Twitter, Comic book creator Chris Weston was given permission by DC’s Jim Lee to tweet (x?) out 4 pics of his concept art for Michael Keaton’s Batman in THE FLASH. This one is my fave…

This is very much a nod to “The Bat-Man’s” debut in DETECTIVE COMICS #27 back in 1939, mixed with a tad of the Adam West Batman costume with the Bat-Logo on the chest.  I’d love to see a 1939-ish cowl in live-action at some point.  Here’s Mr. Weston’s original tweet (or “x”)…

ALSO CHECK OUT | The BOF Social Hour Podcast 125: Does Keaton Have a Bat-Future?  THE BATMAN SAGA vs. DCU Batman & More!

Of course, we already know which ones made it into the via this shot from THE FLASH…

You can check out the others via the embedded tweet (or x, I suppose *middle finger*) above or by clicking HERE. – Bill “Jett” Ramey