DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed by BOF contributors do not necessarily reflect those of Batman-On-Film.com and/or BOF’s Founder/EIC…unless they do.
We’re now a week removed from the conclusion of THE PENGUIN series on Max and the last few months show this is an awesome time to be a Batman fan!
If the autumn months have taught us anything, it’s that Batman continues to rule in viewers’ minds–especially Matt Reeves’ version of the character. If you’ve been reading BOF for any time, you know Jett has been telling people Batman is Teflon, which is further proof in an age of alleged “superhero fatigue.”
Don’t let JOKER: FOLIE A DEUX’s flop fool you: Batman is still king of the superhero crop. You have to look no further than THE PENGUIN’s reception from critics and viewers as well as Max’s streaming numbers to see proof. Fans and non-fans loved the series and I’d be willing to bet THE BATMAN gets a nice bump in viewership as a result as well.
Oh, and the series did well with not even having shown one second of Batman in it. A remarkable achievement in itself given how that Joker sequel played out and how some were worried about how a show in Batman’s world without showing Batman would fare.
Throw in how well BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER was received on Amazon Prime Video and it’s clear Reeves (who served as executive producer on the series) has the Midas touch when it comes to Batman and the general audience is buying what he’s selling.
Speaking of buying and selling, the influx of Batman content this fall has made Bat-merchandise hard to find (at least from this Midwest resident’s point of view). Trying to
find that newest McFarlane figure? Good luck with that. So if you’re shopping for a Bat-fan this holiday season, you’d better do it early. It’s definitely not a Batmania-level demand, but you can still see the character’s enduring popularity.
What does this all mean going forward? Batman’s fan base continues to be rock solid and the general audience (which is where the big bucks truly come from) even seems to want more. With around two years until the next Batman film hits theaters, that potentially sets a snowball into motion.

Expectations are now rising for THE BATMAN: PART II and I don’t think Reeves and company would want things any other way. They love Batman as much as any of us and that love gave us a great first film, a great series (live-action and animated), and could soon deliver a great sequel movie.
The general audience is ready and getting excited over the film which means big things potentially for the box office. Batman still rules the superhero box office and that lesson will be re-learned by many in two years.
In fact, fans could learn a thing or two from the general audience when it comes to the buildup of that film.
Fans will “fan cast” and stew/debate over every piece of news that comes out between now and 2026, but if I could quote the wise BOF Founder and Editor-in-Chief, “just enjoy the ride.”
Opening night of THE BATMAN: PART II will be here before we know it and then our eyes will turn to the final film (presumably) of this trilogy. – Kris Burke