In fact, I like it A LOT.

And I’m liking it more and more as I read each issue…like #3 that I’m about to “review” for y’all.

In this issue, we meet this alternate universe’s version of Selina Kyle as a kid and friend of our young Bruce Wayne in flashback sequences (which were teased to be coming at the end of issue #2).  Yes, the “cat” references from Selina were a bit too, well, not subtle, but we’ve seen this from writer Scott Snyder in the two previous issues, so it wasn’t a surprise.  Even though that stuff is the main (and only) quibble I have so far with this title, I’m getting used to it and it’s not a dealbreaker.

I’m looking forward to seeing more of what the young adult version of Selina is like.  Maybe we’ll finally see her at one of the poker parties that Bruce’s childhood pals regularly hold.

It was cool to see Alfred and Bruce’s “partnership” in its very early stages…taking place in a fantastic Batmobile chase scene.  The back-and-forth between Alfred and Batman as the latter is getting them to safety and the former is doing a very good job of convincing Batman to take Black Mask’s offer.  Speaking of which…

It looks as if Batman actually accepts. Bruce Wayne’s not being rich and able to fund Batman might not be an issue anymore. Just think about what Bruce could do with Batman for the city of Gotham with unlimited funds, as Alfred points out.  But does Bruce really want to give in to Black Mask and essentially let him do to Gotham whatever he wants?  As Alfred points out, Batman is in on no-win situation with Sionis, so why not?  We shall see.

ABSOLUTE BATMAN #3 is another top-notch entry into a title that’s become a breath of fresh air when it comes to Batman comics.  If you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, it’s not too late, so get on board! – Bill “Jett” Ramey