Thank you, 2018 & Batman!



I have now been a part of BATMAN ON FILM for the better part of 3 full years now, so I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you AND to give you guys some insight on what is to come in 2018.

But the first order of business is a big, giant cyber hug to you all. Thank you all for continuing your support of BOF after a very talented and key player left to pursue their own endeavors. I never wanted to be seen as “replacing” him, or anyone else for that matter, but the truth is there was a reality to the situation and you guys could have turned away- and yet instead decided to stick with us.

I am forever grateful.

It has been 3 amazing years, which I will carry with me for the rest of my life — and it makes me very excited for the future.

And this now brings me to 2018.

Last year we decided to branch off and do “satellite” non-Batman podcasts. Obviously the biggest one we launched was our STAR WARS show (which has been a smashing success) — but we also discussed other non-Batman things related to DC (i.e. WONDER WOMAN) and episodes — like STAR WARS — that have NOTHING to do with Batman or DC (our ROCKY franchise episode!).

Now even though we will ALWAYS be 90% Batman, we certainly love branching out and have many great things on the horizon for the New Year, as well. I have at least 3 Superman shows lined up, CREED 2, BACK TO THE FUTURE franchise, AQUAMAN, THE AVENGERS  and, of course, STAR WARS! (Ron Howard’s SOLO).

Ryan Hoss and Justin Kowalski will be taking the lead on some very unique things themselves. Particularly with movie commentary episodes, comic book shows, Batman merchandise shows, etc.

Obviously the three of us will be overlapping on many of these projects, but we certainly want to make our shows fresh by booking more guests and taking more risks in terms of content. It is all VERY exciting!

Our Captain (aka Bill“Jett” Ramey!) will throw his support behind all of these projects and will be keeping very busy himself. With the launch of BOF 2.0, BJR wants to focus on more op-eds, Vlogs and expanding our brand via YouTube, our new site and an extra emphasis on social media Interaction…like our new BOF private Facebook page, for instance.

It is all so exciting!

But make no mistake; the thing we are ALL looking forward to the most is “Batman on Film.” Once news starts rolling out regarding Matt Reeves’s solo Batman movie, we will be covering that film with pure enthusiasm, sheer accuracy and with every iota of love we have for the most bad ass character ever created…THE Batman.

In closing, 2018 is a very exciting year for Bill, Ryan, Justin, and yours truly.

Thank you all very much for your ongoing support, thanks to all of our ongoing guests and contributors (we would be nothing without you guys) and to our soon to be new guests (talking to you, April Hernandez!).

And please remember, we are…Authoritive, Definitive and the DADGUM Original! – Rick Shew