THE BATMAN/SUPERMAN HOUR was an animated Batman series produced by Filmation and broadcast on the CBS Television Network from 1968 to 1969. Batman and Robin were voiced by Olan Soule and Casey Kasem.

The 60 minute program premiered in September of 1968 and was split into two segments — one starring Batman and Robin with Batgirl, and the other consisting of shorts from THE NEW ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN.

In 1969, the Superman segment was dropped, trimmed-down to 30-minute episodes, and renamed BATMAN WITH ROBIN, THE BOY WONDER.

THE BATMAN/SUPERMAN HOUR is historically significant as it was the first time the Batman and Robin with Batgirl — plus rogues gallery members such as The Joker, The Penguin, and Catwoman — leaped from the pages of comic books to animation.

1. My Crime is Your Crime
2. The Cool, Cruel Mr. Freeze
3. How Many Herring in a Wheelbarrow?
4. Bubi, Bubi, Who’s Got the Ruby?
5. Partners in Peril
6. Hizzoner the Joker (Joker for Mayor)
7. The Jigsaw Jeopardy pts. 1 & 2
8. The Crime Computer
9. “A Game of Cat and Mouse pts. 1 & 2
10. “Opera Buffa
11. Will the Real Robin Please Stand Up?
12. Simon, the Pieman
13. From Catwoman with Love
14. A Perfidious Pieman is Simon
15. The Nine Lives of Batman
16. The Big Birthday Caper
17. The Fiendishly, Frigid Fraud
18. A Bird Out Of Hand
19. Long John Joker
20. 1001 Faces of the Riddler
21. Two Penguins Too Many
22. The Underworld Underground Caper
23. Mr. Freeze’s Frozen Vikings
24. The Great Scarecrow Scare
25. Beware of the Living Dolls
26. He Who Swipes the Ice Goes to the Cooler
27. A Mad, Mad Tea Party
28. Perilous Playthings
29. The Cool, Cruel Christmas Caper
30. Enter the Judge
31. It Takes Two to Make a Team
32. The Joke’s on Robin
33. Wrath of the Riddler
34. In Again, Out Again, Penguin