Welcome to the BATMAN PODCAST NETWORK — a group of podcasts that are dedicated to talking Batman…or at least mention The Dark Knight from time to time!
If you are interested in joining the BPN, details of our requirements can be found at the bottom of the page (or CLICK HERE).
The founder and host of the BATMAN PODCAST NETWORK! The BOF Podcast is the official podcast of BATMAN-ON-FILM.COM! BOF shows include:
- The Batman On Film Podcast
- The Batman on Film Social Hour
- The Batman on Film Satellite Show
- The Batman on Film Chronicles
STRAIGHT OUTTA GOTHAM is a fanboy podcast with a New York talk radio vibe. Hosted by Peter M. Verra and the champion of Long Island Eric Holzmann.
Coloneh Broadcasting is the home of the music-centered show VINYL VOYAGE as well as its sister show TITLED CARTRIDGE, a gaming podcast. Further discussions, reviews, and recaps by Micah Ramey are also reoccurring content on the channel. If you find yourself looking deeper at the entertainment industry than most others, Coloneh Broadcasting is the place for you.
The Batman Book Club is a podcast that explores the Dark Knight library. Hosted by Ryan Lower.

THE ITALIAN SPIDER-MAN COALITION is a Spidey podcast with a Goombah twist.

The For Comic Junkies Podcast talks about comics, movies, TV, pop culture, etc. and they affect and interact with our daily lives!
Swamp Things Podcast retraces Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing run issue by issue.
EVERYONE LOVES THE DRAKE is a podcast that talks about all things Batman with a focus on the Tim Drake Robin.
Chris Clow’s COMICS ON CONSOLES delves into the comics-based gaming space to give you an informed perspective on the games and their characters from someone who’s a gamer, as well as a big comic book fan, reviewer, commentator, and former retailer.
Brotherhood of Batman is a weekly podcast of three very different brothers with unique perspectives reviewing Batman comics, movies, games, and cartoons. Est. 2018.
1) A show must come out regularly (at least 1 show per month) and have at least 10 episodes in its library.
2) Your podcast should be related to Batman in some way — be it Batman on film, in comics, in video games, in animation, etc. But if you’re a Batman fan who runs a fantasy football (or whatever) podcast for example, and maybe mention Batman from time to time, you’re OK to join.
3) Your website must be up to date and provide a link to the BPN page on Batman-on-Film.com In turn, your show will be added to the BPN list of members.
4) While not a requirement, it would be awesome if your show says “We are proud members of the Batman Podcast Network” at the top or at the end of your shows. Such promos and spots help spread the word and let your listeners know you are a BPN member.
5) Contact BOF/BPN via email — jett@batman-on-film.com — if you’re interested in joining and meet the requirements. And if you’re so inclined, feel free to “right-click/save” and use the logo below on your podcast page to link back to BPN.