Colin Farrell Describes THE BATMAN Script

"Beautiful, Dark, and Moving"


While appearing on JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE, Colin Farrell — who is playing Oz “The Penguin” Cobblepott in THE BATMAN — says that director Matt Reeves wrote a “beautiful, dark, moving…really gorgeous script.”  What the segment on the video below starting at the 7:30 mark…


I’ve been told the film is dark, gritty, street-level, and personal as well. Gotta say that I’m really looking forward to what Matt Reeves has cooked up!

THE BATMAN is currently filming in the UK and will be released on June 25, 2021. Follow THE BATMAN on BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

(Thanks to BOF’s Rick Shew for the heads up!)

Colin Farrell as The Penguin by John Regan