Not Battinson, But Close (UPDATED!)

Digital Sculpt of Robert Pattinson as Batman in THE BATMAN Batsuit


UPDATED (3/10/20): Another rendering of Pattinson as Batman from the same artist.  Way more refined and detailed…

And colorized by BOF’er John Regan…

Looks awesome! – Bill “Jett” Ramey

UPDATED (3/8/20): Here’s a new image from the same artist of Pattinson as Batman.  The fact that this is digital still blows my mind!  And also, look at the emotion and expression coming for digital Battinson’s eyes.  That’s why you don’t do white lenses! – Bill “Jett” Ramey


BOF’er John Regan alerted me (via BOF’s Facebook Discussion Group) to this awesome piece of digital artwork by Vimal Kerketta (@VIMKERK on Instagram) of Robert Pattinson as Batman in THE BATMAN Batsuit.  Check it!

THE BATMAN is currently filming in the UK.  Follow BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page.  Make plans to attend BOF’s THE BATMAN Watch PartyTHE BATMAN hits theaters on June 25, 2021. – Bill “Jett” Ramey