Wright Says THE BATMAN is Grounded in Gotham, Americana


Jeffery Wright — who plays GPD’s James Gordon in THE BATMAN — talked a bit about the film via THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER.  Here’s him explaining what THE BATMAN is all about…

My take is — the way I explain what we’re doing is, like with any film, we’re working together to create a mood, to create an idea, a setting, a tone. This is the next evolution since 1939 when these stories began.  This is the next evolution of Gotham. So I am working off the stage [director] Matt [Reeves] is providing and also working off what [star] Robert [Pattinson] is doing. We are trying to create something together that is our own, but is also Batman.

Mr. Wright also says that the new Batmobile perfectly sums up what the film is all about…

I read the script for the Batmobile and I was like, ‘Yeah, that’s it!’ [Bruce Wayne] created the most badass muscle car you could imagine, but it’s grounded in Gotham. It’s grounded in Americana.

The Batmobile and Robert Pattinson as Batman in THE BATMAN

This is the first time I’ve even heard someone use the Batmobile to describe the tone and vibe of a Batman movie…and I love it! – Bill “Jett” Ramey

Filming of THE BATMAN is currently on hiatus in the UK.  Follow BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page.  Make plans to attend BOF’s THE BATMAN Watch Party.  THE BATMAN hits theaters on October 25, 2021.