Zoë Kravitz Reveals How She Won the Role of Catwoman


In a new interview with AnOther Magazine, Zoë Kravitz explained how she landed the role of Selina Kyle/Catwoman in director Matt Reeves’ THE BATMAN.  Check it out below…

I read the script. Then [Matt Reeves] talked with me again to hear my thoughts, to see if we were on the same page. I didn’t know him well and it was a bit of a process. When these big opportunities come up, these big roles, and you really want them, it’s heartbreaking when you don’t get them. You put a lot of energy into it. The thing that I tried to keep in check throughout, though, was just wanting to be agreeable and likable to get the role. [I didn’t want] to read the script and say, ‘I love it. I love everything about it.’ Then I go to the audition and I have this puppy dog energy.

She continued…

It was important to give him an idea of what it’s really like to work with me. To say what I really think and, if we’re on set together, to ask the questions I want to ask. I tried to come at it from the angle where I am showing him what I see and feel about this character. I believe that’s why it happened and I got the role. Matt’s a fantastic director, and he’s really into talking about the character. We had some really good conversations. I had some thoughts about the character once I’d read the script too and they were welcomed.

Kravitz will be part of DC FanDome ’21 on October 16th during THE BATMAN presentation. Robert Pattinson — who plays Bruce Wayne/The Batman in the film — said recently that he and Kravitz did a “fun little thing” for the virtual con to help hype THE BATMAN.

For the full interview, hit any of the links provided. – Bill “Jett” Ramey