Happy New Year 2023/BOF Celebrates 25 Years!


Have I ever told the story of how I started BOF on a Web TV back in 1998?

Yeah, I’m sure I’ve mentioned it at least once over the course of BOF’s 25-year history.

Speaking of which, it’s now 2023 and this year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of Batman-On-Film.com (Jett D 60s BATMAN 5 Page, anyone?) way back in 1998.

On a Web TV.

In addition to making a note of BOF’s silver anniversary, this is also the time of year that I take the time to say thanks to all the BOF’ers out there!  A lot of y’all have been with me/BOF for a LONG time — some even going back to the 90s and the days of Jett D 60s BATMAN 5 Page.

On a Web TV.

It’s also become a tradition to acknowledge and thank all the folks who currently are or were part of Team BOF over the years.  So, in no particular order, a shoutout of THANKS! to…

RELATED | The BOF Chronicles Podcast Series

Senior BOF Contributors

  • Ryan Hoss
  • JoAnne Hyde
  • Ryan Lower
  • Peter Verra
  • Garret Grev
  • Javi Trujillo

BOF Contributors

  • Micah Ramey
  • James Armstrong
  • Eric Holzmann
  • Kris Burke
  • Trey Jackson

Legacy BOF Contributors

  • Robert Reineke
  • Justin Kowalski
  • Chris Clow
  • Paul Wares
  • The late John Bierly

Past BOF Contributors

  • Rick Shew
  • Sean Gerber
  • Mark Hughes

And last, but certainly most important, THANKS! to my wife, “Announcer Rachel”, for all the support!  And for letting me fill up an entire room of our house with Batman stuff!

I can’t believe that BOF is a quarter of a century old.  I don’t know if I’ve got another 25 years of BOF in me, but I’ll keep at it as long as I can!

One last note…

If you haven’t checked out THE BATMAN ON FILM CHRONICLES — a 7-part podcast series on the history of BOF, give it a listen.  It covers everything about BOF from the recent era of THE BATMAN as well as going all the way back to 1998 when I founded BOF.

On a Web TV. – Bill “Jett” Ramey