Well, this is, um, expected.

Via VARIETY, MAX/HBO’s Casey Bloys says that THE BATMAN spinoff series (which is kinda the defacto sequel to THE BATMAN) THE PENGUIN will commence airing in September.

If you’re a regular reader of BOF and listen to THE BOF SOCIAL HOUR podcasts, you know that we speculated that THE PENGUIN would debut sometime in September or early October of this year. That way, all 8 episodes would air in 2024, and the series end before the end of the year.

Stay tuned to BOF for our full coverage of THE PENGUIN.  Yours truly will be handling the written reviews/recaps of each episode and Team BOF will discuss each episode on several episodes of THE ORIGINAL BOF PODCAST. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

THE BATMAN: PART II will be released on October 4, 2026.  For BOF’s coverage of this film, visit BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN: PART II Page. For BOF’s coverage of 2022’s THE BATMAN, visit BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN PageCLICK HERE for BOF’s coverage of THE PENGUIN