As the first story arc of ABSOLUTE BATMAN, titled “The Zoo,” comes to an end, make no mistake: The inaugural tale of the ABSOLUTE version of Batman concludes, there ain’t no slowing down…at all.
ABSOLUTE BATMAN #6 picks up essentially where the previous issue left off. Batman had gotten a bit too cocky and overconfident and ended up getting his ass handed to him by Roman Sioni. In addition to the physical beating, Black Mask outwits him and turns Batman’s plan on its head. Seemingly lost with nowhere to go, Batman realizes that he must do something drastic to save both himself and Gotham. What is that? Well, remember Bruce’s childhood friends? He turns to them for help…and reveals that their longtime pal Bruce Wayne is The Batman.
Yes way.
Like I said, he had to make a drastic decision, and yes, they all help Batman — some willingly, some reluctantly. But what’s interesting is to see how Bruce’s revelation plays out going forward. But that’s to be a story for another day.
This issue also deals with Batman’s relationship (or previous lack thereof) with Alfred Pennyworth. While this Alfred is a very different one than we’ve seen before — he sure as hell ain’t no butler — the two were destined to become partners. We’ll see how the dynamic between this duo (see what I did there?) progresses going forward, and I’m quite sure it’ll be interesting — and different — AF.
I must also say something about Martha Wayne. There’s MUCH more to this character than simply a way for writer Scott Snyder to show how ABSOLUTE BATMAN is different. While her son Bruce is a hero in the making as The Batman, Martha is pretty heroic herself, and there’s a great scene in this issue showing that.
This issue ends with an unexpected twist as we learn that someone else, someone WAY more powerful and dangerous than Roman Sionis, has been pulling the strings all along. Furthermore, the next challenge (villain) that Batman will face is revealed. I’m sure this will be pedal to the metal crazy and fun as well. Stay tuned, I suppose.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: ABSOLUTE BATMAN is the best Batman thing going at DC right now. Don’t let the changes to the Batman mythos scare you and prevent you from giving this title a try. Trust me, it’s very much “Batman” and it’s absolutely badass (see what I did there too?).