THE BATMAN Likely to Begin Filming in Early 2020 – UPDATED

And I've been saying that for MONTHS!


UPDATE (5/3/19): According to El Mayimbe — AKA Umberto Gonzalez of THE WRAP — if production on THE BATMAN doesn’t get pushed back to early 2020, it’ll begin production on Monday, November 4, 2019 in London.  This is interesting because when Ben Affleck was still “supposed” to direct and star, it was going to film mostly on the WB lot in Burbank, CA.

The original report follows Gonzalez’s tweet – Bill “Jett” Ramey

Via a tweet from Justin Kroll from VARIETY, the script for THE BATMAN is still being polished and filming will now most likely begin in early 2020 as opposed to this coming Fall.

This is no shock to me and it shouldn’t be to anyone who reads/listens to/watches BOF articles/podcasts/vlogs.  As I’ve mentioned several times that I didn’t believe filming would actually begin until early next year.  For real, just ask Rick Shew!

Also, the script polish thing isn’t anything new, so don’t go into a panic, OK?  The casting process is underway as we speak (and the new Batman on film might’ve already been chosen), so there’s no need to announce it now if the commencement of filming is almost a year away.

RELATED: BOF’s BAT-POLL – “What Interests You the Most about THE BATMAN?”

Keep in mind that BATMAN BEGINS, um, began filming in February of 2004 and Christian Bale’s casting in the lead role was in August of 2003.  If casting for the new Batman in THE BATMAN follows suit, then we’ll find out at some point during the next 3 to 4 months.

Stay tuned because we’re a the very beginning of the fun part! – Bill “Jett” Ramey