Pattinson Plans to Take His Batman “To the Border”

And it Ain't Taco Bell!


In a recent interview with DE TELEGRAAF, Robert Pattinson says that he plans to take his Batman/Bruce Wayne on a bit of a “psychological journey…ala JOKER.”  Check out the full quote below…

I can’t say much about the story. Except that I go to the border with my Batman. I want to take him on a psychological journey of discovery full of traumas and darkness. A bit à la JOKER. For an actor that is, and remains, the biggest challenge.

I’m sure some people will interpret this as Pattinson saying that his Bruce Wayne is going to be crazy/psycho/nuts — but I don’t think that’s what he means at all.

I believe this is more in line with director Matt Reeves’ plan to have Batman/Bruce go through something personal, emotional, and have an arc.  Clearly, something is going to happen to Bruce Wayne in THE BATMAN that’s going to alter him significantly.

Run for the border, I suppose.

You can see THE BATMAN director’s “Camera Test” video debuting Robert Pattinson as Batman HERE.

THE BATMAN is currently filming in the UK. Check out BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page.  Come watch the movie with us on 6/26/21 in Dallas, TX at the BOF THE BATMAN Watch Party. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

(Thanks to BOF’er John Regan for the heads up!)