Let me preface this report by saying that I’ve never heard of this outlet and do not know anyone who works for them. Consider that a disclaimer. While I do not like nor do I make a practice of linking to suspect at best websites, I’m doing it this time because, well, you’ll see…
According to a website called The Cinema Spot, HBO Max will develop a Catwoman prestige series that will be set in the world of Matt Reeves’ THE BATMAN theatrical film and will star Zoe Kravitz.

I will not confirm or deny this report because sometimes a blind squirrel finds a nut, you know what I’m sayin’? (And sometimes they don’t — like the totally made-up, bullshit report that Ben Affleck has signed a deal with HBO Max for a series of Batman movies in which he’d star in). With the previous news that WB/HBO Max is planning a “Gotham Central” police procedural series set in THE BATMAN-verse, it’s easy to play “scooper” and through sh*t on the wall and see what sticks in regards to other possible shows set in that world. Hell, I even “speculated” 😉 about it on a recent BOF VLOG.
RELATED: Warner Bros. Must Feel Pretty Darn Good About THE BATMAN
I’ve been privy to some information about the plans for THE BATMAN-verse, but have not, obviously, posted anything about it on BOF because 1) I respect the folks who tell me stuff, and 2) I’m not a damn “scoop site.” But what I will say is that I know that the powers-that-be have BIG plans for THE BATMAN-verse on the big screen and HBO Max.
Take that for what you will. – Bill “Jett” Ramey
Filming of THE BATMAN is currently on hiatus in the UK. Follow BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page. Make plans to attend BOF’s THE BATMAN Watch Party. THE BATMAN hits theaters on October 1, 2021.