“Bruce Wayne” is on the Set of THE FLASH – UPDATED!


UPDATE (5/21/21): Director Andy Muschietti responded to his sister Barbara’s Instagram post featuring a director’s chair belonging to “Bruce Wayne” (Michael Keaton) with another chair belonging to another “Bruce Wayne” (Ben Affleck).  Check it out below!


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A post shared by Andy Muschietti (@andy_muschietti)

Batfleck lives! Well, at least 1 more brief time. The original report is below. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

THE FLASH producer Barbara Muschietti teased “Bruce Wayne” being on the film’s UK set via her Instagram.  Check it!



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A post shared by Barbara Muschietti (@barbaramus)

Of course, the question is just to WHICH “Bruce Wayne” does that director’s chair belong?

Ben Affleck or Michael Keaton?

I’m kinda thinking it’s the latter as it feels like they are replicating B89‘s Wayne Manor interior on this set.  Since Batfleck’s Wayne Manor had been abandoned/burned out and he was living in a van down by the river, I’m thinking this chair belongs to Mr. Keaton.

Regardless, I’m looking forward to seeing BOTH versions of Bruce Wayne — Keaton’s and Affleck’s — in THE FLASH!

With THE BATMAN hitting theaters on March 4th of 2022 and THE FLASH 8 months later on the 4th of November, next year is looking to be a good one for fans of Batman on film! – Bill “Jett” Ramey