A BOF BAT-POLL | THE BATMAN’s Comic Book Influences


If you’ve been following the development of Matt Reeves’ THE BATMAN, it’s well known that BATMAN: YEAR ONE, BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN, and BATMAN: EGO were big inspirations to/influences on the writer/director while crafting the story for his film.

RELATED | BOF SOCIAL HOUR 29: THE BATMAN‘s Comic Book Influences/Inspirations

In fact, DC Comics is putting out a box set of these classic Batman stories — THE BATMAN BOX SET — the week of the film’s release as a tie-in.  I even wrote an op-ed/article doing some “educated guessing” (CLICK HERE for that article) as to what aspects of each we’ll see in THE BATMAN and podcasted about it too (CLICK HERE for BOF SOCIAL HOUR 29).

So, which one of these classic Bat-stories are you most seeing — as an influence/inspiration — in THE BATMAN?

RELATED | What *Might* THE BATMAN’s Comic Book Influences Tell Us About the Movie?

Cast your vote in the new BOF Bat-Poll below and discuss in the comments section as well! – Bill “Jett’ Ramey