Z-Krav on R-Pats Batman Transformation: “Out of This World Incredible”


Please excuse me for using “Z-Krav” for Zoe Kravitz and “R-Pats” for Robert Pattinson.  I did that not to be cool, cute, or hip, but only to keep this article’s headline as short as possible.  ANYWAY…

Via VARIETY, here’s what Z-Krav had to say about R-Pats’ (aka “Battinson”) performance as The Batman in, well THE BATMAN, after both working with him during filming and having “seen a little” of the film…

Rob is perfect for this role. He was incredible. His transformation was out of this world.

Based on what we’ve seen in trailer #1 and trailer #2 of the film, I think she’s not BS’ing and we’re going to be in for something special come 3/4/22.

RELATED: THE BATMAN Has Yet Another New Synopsis

In addition, Ms. Kravitz had the following to say about the film’s director, Matt Reeves…

Matt Reeves has a lot of heart, and he cares so much for these characters. I’m just very excited for him to be able to go on vacation because he deserves it. I hope the fans love it because we put a lot of work into this.

This quote makes me even more confident about THE BATMAN.  Without a doubt, Matt Reeves is the first TRUE Batman fan to have the privilege of writing and directing a Batman movie.  And I say that not to take anything away from Tim Burton, Joel Schumacher, or even the great Christopher Nolan, but none of those dudes were lifelong and diehard Batman fans.

We’re lucky to have Captain Matt Reeves helming the Batman on film ship right now…as well as the foreseeable future. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

THE BATMAN hits theaters on March 4, 2022. Follow BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page.  Make plans to attend BOF’s THE BATMAN Watch Party.