The Batman Book Club Podcast 154 | “The Eye of the Beholder”


In this episode, BOF boys Ryan Lower and Justin Kowalksi break down the first Two-Face origin story post-crisis, found in BATMAN ANNUAL #14, “The Eye of the Beholder”. Hear them break down the influences this issue had on other well-known Two-Face stories, the darker depths the tale goes with its characters, the iconic cover by Neal Adams, and more!

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Ryan Lower
Representing the Midwest, Ryan has been a BOF fan since 2003, and started contributing to the site in 2017. He is the host of “The Batman Book Club” podcast. Ryan has written reviews for comics, animated movies and TV series. He has also appeared on BOF podcasts and Social Hours for Batman discussions, reviews, and interviews. Thanks to BOF, he was able to meet and have a one-on-one discussion with his favorite artist, Lee Bermejo. Follow him on Twitter @lower_ryan.