Bat-Timeline – “Batman in 1968”


PREVIOUS:Batman in 1967

MARCH: After three seasons and 120 episodes, the BATMAN TV series is canceled by ABC. NBC then attempted to pick up the series for another season (1968-1969), but then declined when the network discovered that the sets – including the Batcave – had been dismantled.

BATMAN‘s final episode was titled “Minerva, Mayhem and Millionaires” and featured Zsa Zsa Gabor as Minerva. It aired on March 14, 1968.

MARCH: Batman’s self-titled series, BATMAN, celebrated its 200th issue. The Scarecrow was the issue’s main villain.

MARCH: Mr. Zero is renamed Mr. Freeze – the name given to the character on the BATMAN TV series – in DETECTIVE COMICS #373.

SEPTEMBER: The first animated Batman TV series – THE BATMAN/SUPERMAN HOUR – debuted on 9/14/68. It would later be re-titled BATMAN, WITH ROBIN THE BOY WONDER.