BOF at SDCC ’18 Recap, Part 1


San Diego.

The sun and the beach. The great restaurants and shops that speckle the city.

The nerds.

The Deadpools.

The Harley Quinns.

San Diego Comic Con 2018 is in full force!

For us Batman (and DC) fans, there is tons of stuff to make us excited and empty our pockets.

One of the biggest buzzes of the weekend was the DC Universe platform, and most of the attention was coming from the TITANS trailer that debuted Thursday. Mostly because of the overt angsty tone of the footage. Especially Robin’s “Fuck Batman.” line. It became the meme of the con. Not sure if it was a win for DC, but it definitely got people talking. It came up in many panels, including the Batman family panel where the writers and artists pestered Bryan Hill (who guested on episode 119 of the Batman-On-Film podcast) if he wrote that line. He didn’t.

Personally I didn’t 100% love the trailer. But by the end of the Geoff Johns panel, my mind changed..a bit.

Geoff Johns said, “If you look at when Robin first left Batman in the comics, there was a lot of uneasiness and him being lost. TITANS is really a series about these different characters that are all lost in their lives; just like the greatest comic book TITANS run ever, by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, it’s about all these lost characters finding one another. And they’re all struggling with something, and Robin is clearly struggling with his past with Batman.

He also gave some clues that we know where Dick ends up going, hinting at Nightwing.

Another cool part about TITANS is, each one of the core charatcers brings a genere. Raven is horror. Kori is Sci-fi.

TITANS will be so much more than a TITANS story, it will be DC UNIVERSE rich. One of the bigger surprises to me was his plans to get to the Superboy/Lex Luthor stories he told in TEEN TITANS and ADVENTURE COMICS into the show. So it sounds like this well goes deep. I don’t think he was referring to season one, but more of far he wishes to go. We also know that Jason Todd and Donna Troy will be a part of this show.

Johns also revealed the newest show to the DC UNIVERSE will be STARGIRL, which is inspired by his sister who he lost years ago in a plane crash. Some of you may remember her from her series Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. from years back which had ties to the Justice Society of America. Same thing here. The JSA characters will be part of the STARGIRL show. Hearing that really gave scope as to how far this DC UNIVERSE show is willing to go in the mythology. So as of now, I am just waiting to see what happens.

The entire panel, moderated by DC Comics co-publisher Dan Didio, was a good overview of what Johns is working on in comics and out. There are tons of things that will be interesting to us Batman fans when it comes to Geoff Johns alone.

In addition to these shows, SWAMP THING rounds out the live action shows of original programming. With HARLEY QUINN and YOUNG JUSTICE: OUTSIDERS providing the animated offerings.

The DC UNIVERSE app is ready for you to sign up now and will be launching in the fall! Lookout for Batman-On-Films behind the scenes of the DC UNIVERSE experience coming this week! – Justin Kowalski