Michael Giacchino Has Already Written THE BATMAN’s Main Theme


During an interview with radio station WMMR, THE BATMAN‘s composer Michael Giacchino revealed that he’s already written the film’s main theme.

I’ve already written what will be theme for the movie, because I was so excited about doing it that I just sat down and did it, already. And so, Matt has that in his back pocket right now and is using it just to inspire him as he finishes writing and doing the things he has to do to prepare for directing.


THE BATMAN will be the 5th time Matt Reeves and Michael Giacchino have worked together (CLOVERFIELD, LET ME IN, DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, and WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES.)

THE BATMAN hits theaters on June 25, 2021.  Check out BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page to stay up to date with the film’s production and through its release. – Bill “Jett” Ramey