He’s The Batman and Vengeance…And Selina Wants to Get Into Some Trouble


A couple of cool short advertising spots for THE BATMAN have been posted to the film’s official Twitter.  Check ‘me out below!


Honestly, I haven’t been this hyped for a Batman film since BATMAN BEGINS in 2005 as well as all the way back in 1989 for BATMAN.

It appears that I’ll be seeing THE BATMAN in late February.  I’m very excited to not only see it for myself, but also to be able to share the experience with y’all very soon. Watch this space. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

(Thanks to Micah Ramey@Coloneh_CEO  — for the heads up!  And check out his YouTube Channel!)

THE BATMAN hits theaters on March 4, 2022. Follow BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page.  Make plans to attend BOF’s THE BATMAN Watch Party.