Ep. 132 | Talkin’ THE BATMAN: PART II Rumors & More!


On the 132nd edition of Batman-On-Film.com’s THE BOF SOCIAL HOUR podcast, BOF’s Founder/EIC Bill “Jett” Ramey is joined by Senior BOF Contributor Peter Verra to discuss some recent THE BATMAN: PART II rumors, such as…

  • 13 year-old Dick Grayson?
  • Clayface?
  • Filming to begin March of ’24?

Listen via the player below or wherever you get your podcasts.

RELATED | BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN: PART II Page

THE BATMAN: PART II will be released on October 3, 2025.  For BOF’s coverage of this film, visit BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN: PART II Page. For BOF’s coverage of 2022’s THE BATMAN, visit BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN PageCLICK HERE for BOF’s coverage of THE PENGUIN.