AQUAMAN – 1st Poster & More


Warner Bros. has released the first full poster for their upcoming DC Comics-based film, AQUAMAN.  Check it out…

I dig it.  I mean, it’s just a poster.  Usually you take a look at one and either like it or not.  I like it.  No need to over-analyze it.  Anyway,  also on the AQUAMAN front…

ALSO READ:When it Comes to DC on Film Going Forward, Amnesia-It

Via COLLIDER.COM, James Wan confirms that the events of AQUAMAN take place after JUSTICE LEAGUE and is a standalone film — “ultimately, it’s a movie,” said Wan.  Here’s what he said when questioned on the timeline of the film…

So even though Arthur, Aquaman’s already established and set up in JUSTICE LEAGUE and a bit in BvS, right, but more definitely in JUSTICE LEAGUE. But we now pick up after Justice League and he goes on his journey, he goes on his own story in the stand-alone movie. And he goes on this journey and he ultimately becomes the Aquaman as we know him.

So I’d say it’s safe to assume that — as rumored, whispered, and expected — AQUAMAN is its own thing and will barley mention the events of JUSTICE LEAGUE, if at all.  Perhaps Mr. Wan is taking the “Amnesia It” approach.  For the full story — and there’s a lot over there at Collider from their AQUAMAN set visit — hit the link provided above.

What do you all think of the poster?  Post your take in the comments section below! – Bill “Jett” Ramey