Guest Op-Ed – “An Open Letter to Batfleck Fans” by Eric Holzmann

Time to Let it Go


Dear Batfleck fans,

There comes a time when we all have to accept the truth that’s staring us in the face, even if we don’t want to believe it.

So on July 30th in the year of our Lord two thousand and eighteen let me be the first to unofficially confirm it.

Ben Affleck is done as Batman.  Finished.  Finito.  He’s gone, girl!

RELATED: “It’s Time For the Batfleck Era to End” by Bill “Jett” Ramey

I am not saying this with any kind of joy.  I am one of you.  To me, Ben Affleck is the best cinematic Batman we’ve had.    Nobody has ever looked the part more, and although some will disagree, he played the role he was given better than any of his predecessors.  Better than Bale.  Better than Keaton.

Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne in BATMAN v SUPERMAN

But this letter isn’t about Ben Affleck.  It’s about us.  The fans who want him to come back.  It is time we stop waiting for him to be announced as Batman in Matt Reeves film.  It’s time we stop clinging to every little report that he wants to continue in the role.  We have had numerous clues that he won’t be returning for over a year now.  Whether it was Reeves meeting with other actors, the reports from various trades, or the hints we’ve received here at BATMAN ON FILM, the bread crumbs have been there to follow all along.

RELATED: “Batfleck Can Live on…in the Periphery” by Bill “Jett” Ramey

Now I am not saying you shouldn’t be upset.  You should be.  We never got a solo Batman movie with Batfleck and that sucks.  We never got to see him and Leto’s Joker have their opportunity to square off.  We never got an answer to what exactly happened to Robin.   A lot of the questions from BATMAN v SUPERMAN went unanswered (unless of course you follow Zack Snyder on Vero, but I digress), and it’s likely they will remain that way.

In times like these it’s always important to remember the good times.  Remember the warehouse scene.  Remember how he kicked Superman’s ass.  Remember how he killed all tho…. Well… maybe don’t remember that part, but do remember how Affleck made you feel as Batman.  It’s all we have left!

Well, it’s time for me to go now, but I want to leave you one more thing to remember when you’re sitting at home watching BvS in your Batman Underoos clutching your…um…Batarang.  It’s from the greatest psychologist the world has ever known, Dr. Seuss:

“Don’t cry because it’s over.  Smile because it happened.”

Sincerely your bummed Batfleck brother,

Eric Holzmann (Twitter: @FinalE33)
