Review – HARLEY QUINN #48 by April Hernandez


SYNOPSIS: Harley must save the building she lives in with her furry friends and non-furry friends. Legit working is not exactly in her wheel house but she has to step up. Harley the hero? Not quite.

I’m jumping in late to the game here, but i enjoyed this read. You see Harley in all her forms. Crazy, neurotic and caring. Her “family” — Coach, Tina, Bernie and the furry friends — depend on her for a home and safe place.

Harley tries her hand at normal work… kitchen work, makeup artist and even intern at the Daily Planet but she fails at all of these. Her last hope…murder. But how do you kill a ghost? Harley thinks she has done it! With Her pizza delivery disguise, and a little bit of Tina’s bulletproof armor, she drops all the bad guys and kills Lord Death Man. She makes a killer Bloody Mary with his heart as a centerpiece and She’s ready to collect her Moolah. However, he has a different plan when he downs the bloody beverage and shocks Harley to her core.

Coming up… Will Harley save her friends? Coach is blind and in a wheelchair, Tina is hiding from the humans who are scared of her, Bernie is, well, Bernie and still dead. Harley has to really, definitely kill Lord Death Man to claim her cash, but it doesn’t seem like he’s ready to die anytime soon.

It took me a bit to really enjoy the story because i hadn’t read the precious comics but once i got past that hang up, it was fun. Harley is written to be relatable in an odd, still crazy way. But you want her to succeed to save her friends. I’m looking forward to seeing what she does. – April Hernandez

April was born and raised in the great state of Texas. She’s been a Batman lover since she was a child and continues the love by filling her own Batcave with memorabilia, visiting comic cons (in and out of costume) to meet her idols, and passing on the greatness that is Batman to her son Christian (named after Christian Bale).  She’s an insurance account manager, tattooed boy mom, concert goer, pet lover, Irish-Mexican Texan! She is thrilled at the opportunity to be part of the awesomeness that is BOF.