Pattinson on THE BATMAN: “It’s a Very Special Part”


Yesterday, I posted a short teaser via NBC’s TODAY of host Willie Geist’s interview with Robert Pattinson talking about his upcoming role as Batman.  Here’s the video again…

TODAY has released more video of the interview and here’s what RP had to say about why he took on the role…

I love the history of the part. I love every iteration of how it’s been played.  I love – it’s a very, very special part.  It’s been very carefully – what’s the word? – I feel everyone has really looked after the character over its history.  There’s a lot of reverence for it and you can really feel it in the studio.    You can’t say no to it and I really wanted to say yes!

And what he’s doing to get prepared for it…

Yeah…there are a few little things [laughs].  I think Matt Reeves has a really good direction for it and I’m like very, very eager to get started on it.

You can check out the video of the interview HERE.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: With Matt Reeves writing/directing THE BATMAN and Robert Pattinson in the cape in cowl, Batman on film will be in very good hands over the next decade.

To stay up to date on all THE BATMAN news, hit up BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

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