More of Reeves & Pattinson Talking THE BATMAN at CinemaCon ’21


A few days ago, Warner Bros. had a presentation at CinemaCon 2021 in Las Vegas, and included in it was director Matt Reeves’ THE BATMAN starring Robert Pattinson (CLICK HERE to check out BOF’s original rundown of that presentation).  I was able to find some more of what was said (via EW.COM) by Reeves and Pattinson — direct quotes as opposed to paraphrasing — so I included it here in BOF’s coverage of THE BATMAN.

Reeves on how the tone of BATMAN: YEAR ONE influenced THE BATMAN

I felt that we’ve seen lots of origin stories. It seems things go further and further into fantasy, and I thought, well, one place we haven’t been is grounding it in the way that YEAR ONE does, to come right into a young Batman, not being an origin tale, but referring to his origins and shaking him to his core. You can have it be very practical, but I also thought it could be the most emotional Batman movie ever made.

RELATED | BOF Social Hour 30: Talkin’ THE BATMAN at CinemaCon 2021 & More!

As I’ve said many times, just because YEAR ONE influenced Matt Reeves as he was putting together the story for THE BATMAN, doesn’t mean that it’s an origin tale and a rehash of BATMAN BEGINS.  it’s the VIBE of YEAR ONE that will be infused into THE BATMAN — which will be the most grounded, gritty, street-level, and yes, “realistic” Batman movie to date.  Take it to the bank, y’all.

Pattinson on how THE BATMAN is different from the Bat-Films that preceded it…

For some reason, Batman has always stood out as one of the major characters of the 20th century, and so many people connect with it on such a deep level for so many different reasons. From the first conversation I had with Matt about it, I just knew that there was something radically different [here].


The source article also mentions that Andy Serkis as Alfred was seen in the new footage of THE BATMAN shown at CinemaCon, as well as the film’s “gloomy aesthetic,” bits and pieces of a rainy and chaotic Gotham, Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne broods along the city’s streets, Andy Serkis’ Alfred, Batman beating up bad guys, explosions, police officers, and more chaos.  I suspect we’ll see this new stuff in the next full trailer that will be shown and released during DC FanDome 2021 in October.

And I can’t wait to see it…and the full movie in a half a year. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

THE BATMAN hits theaters on March 4, 2022. Follow BOF’s Everything About THE BATMAN Page.  Make plans to attend BOF’s THE BATMAN Watch Party.