THE BATMAN | $21.6M in Previews


THE BATMAN early screening on Tuesday (IMAX fan screenings), Wednesday (fan screenings), and Thursday took in a combined $21.6 million.

Overseas, THE BATMAN opened to a more than solid $5.3 million on Tuesday and Wednesday from a handful of markets.

The film is expected to do $100+ million by Sunday which will make it the second-best opening of the pandemic era behind SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.  

I have seen THE BATMAN twice now — first in late February at the Dallas, TX press screening and again at the Wednesday early fan event — and will be seeing it again this coming Saturday at BOF’s THE BATMAN Watch Party.  Looking forward to it and a few more views of the film while it’s in theaters.  So I’ll be doing my part to contribute to THE BATMAN‘s box office tally.

Oh yeah, I LOVE the film and I HIGHLY recommend more than one screening.  It’s a nuanced, layered, and deep movie and I picked up a lot of little things I missed the first time I saw it.

Check out my written review of THE BATMAN HERE and our spoiler-free podcast review of it HERE.  BOF/Micah Ramey’s video review of THE BATMAN can be found HERE. – Bill “Jett” Ramey