GOTHAM: Catwoman & Batman Pic…Kinda (UPDATED!)


UPDATED: BOF’s Pete Verra alerted me to the fact that Mikhail Mudrik — the actor that actually was in the full Batsuit in GOTHAM’s finale — has posted a few pics of him in the costume.  You can check them out HERE and I will also have one of them down below after the original BOF report. – Bill “Jett” Ramey

Via her INSTAGRAM, Lili Simmons — who played Selina Kyle in GOTHAM‘s finale — posted a behind the scenes picture of her as Catwoman and in the arms of Batman.

Here’s what she had to say followed by the pic…

RELATED: GOTHAM Finale Post-Game Show

It was an honor to portray the adult Selina Kyle.  Thank you GOTHAM for the opportunity. Thank you Camren Bicondova for letting me take the reigns for just a second. Love you kitten.


I’ll say this: While I bashed the look of the film right after the GOTHAM finale aired, it looks better in Ms. Simmons’ picture and in the HQ image below that FOX released…

There was just something about Mazouz in the cowl juxtaposed on the body of the stuntman and the angle in which it appeared on TV that came off bad (sorry David!).  But I’ll admit, the publicity images aren’t all that bad.

Anyway, post your thoughts in the comments section below! – Bill “Jett” Ramey

UPDATE: Here’s the suit via the actor who wore it