RUMOR: John David Washington Up For THE BATMAN Role?


If you follow BOF closely, I am FAR from being lax when it comes to posting THE BATMAN rumors — particularly ones involving casting.

But, I’ve got a bit of respect for this outlet and, frankly, I hope it pans out because it would a great addition to the cast.

Per GEEKS WORLDWIDE, John David Washington could possibly be up for a role in THE BATMAN.

The site speculates that Mr. Washington — who is the son of the great Denzel Washington — may be up for the role of Harvey Dent/Two-Face (which BOF reported might be in the film back in mid-June), though adds the disclaimer that no offers have been made.

My take…

I bet that Matt Reeves and co. very likely have tossed around the idea of JDW for a role in THE BATMAN…and many other folks as well.

That’s the way this stuff works…but it doesn’t mean it’ll pan out (like Andy Serkis up for a role in THE BATMANlooks like he might direct VENOM 2).

But as I said, I hope it’s true as this cat is a damn fine actor (BLACKkKLANSMAN is brilliant).

Wouldn’t it be ironic/crazy if this dude was cast as Harvey Dent/Two-Face when a lot of people wanted his Pops to play that very role back in the pre-THE DARK KNIGHT days?

In fact, the great Lee Bermejo exclusively did a drawing for BOF 14 years ago of what Denzel Washington could look like the post-scarred Harvey.

Check it out on the right.

So, would you like to see John David Washington join the cast of THE BATMAN?

I do.

Not only is he a fine actor, but it’ll also be fun to refer to him as “JDW” while covering the film.

Discuss in the comments section below! – Bill “Jett” Ramey