WONDER WOMAN 1984 Release Date Moved to Late Summer ’20


Due to the GD Coronavirus pandemic, Warner Bros. has pushed the release date for WONDER WOMAN 1984 back from June 5 to August 14, 2020.

The bad news is that we’re going to have to wait an additional 2 months and a week-plus to see it.  But the good news is that folks get to see it first on the big screen in theaters and not via streaming.

“When we greenlit WONDER WOMAN 1984, it was with every intention to be viewed on the big screen and are excited to announce that Warner Bros. Pictures will be bringing the film to theaters on August 14th,” said Warner Bros. Pictures boss Toby Emmerich. “We hope the world will be in a safer and healthier place by then.”

Here’s hoping that the world is DEFINITELY more safe and healthy 5 months from now.


If you’re stuck at home like me, check out the latest edition of the BOF Mailbag! – Bill “Jett” Ramey