SYNOPSIS: This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

No, the Doomsday Clock hasn’t stopped ticking. It’s just moving a little slower these days.

After a few months, Doomsday Clock #10 hits the shelves this week. It’s a dense, complicated, time-traveling adventure so strap in for this one.

Dr. Manhattan wants to know: what’s the big deal about Superman? Asking this question takes him, and us, on a hell of an adventure with an ultimate discovery; the metaverse affects the multiverse. And they key to the metaverse is The Man of Steel.

Geoff Johns weaves a trippy issue, reminiscent of an earlier chapter in this series (and even Watchmen) where we are with Dr. Manhattan as he jumps through space and time. It’s his thirst for discovery that we’ve always known that keeps revealing shocking moments in history. Here, it’s the birth of superheroes, the Justice Society of America, and the rise of a Hollywood icon…as well as his fall. What’s Manhattan got to do with this? Everything.

It’s another fascinating issue with this series, but it still isn’t 100% clear to me on why it’s happening. Doc has a major revelation toward the end of the issue that he’s a man of inaction, yet he’s fascinated with the story of the man of action. Why? Patience, as all will be revealed in the final two issues.

Gary Frank’s art. You’ve seen it before, right? Nothing’s changed. It’s PERFECT. Thoughts on the story aside (which are good, by the way), Doomsday Clock is worth buying just to look at. I love seeing his crisp-clear imagery, especially when he draws some of our favorite characters. In this chapter, we get a sneak peek at the original designs of Green Lantern, the Flash, the Spectre and more. It’s exciting, and overall just really cool.

Doomsday Clock is an ambitious story that has two issues to wrap up nicely. I don’t know how Johns and co. are going to do it. This month’s issue was really cool, but left me scratching my head just a little bit. How will the final faceoff with Superman turn out? Why does there need to be one? What’s the significance of Carver Colman in all of this?

Surely it’ll all click when it’s collected in one trade. But for now, let’s count down until the final issues. – Ryan Lower