SWAMP THING Episode #7 Review


DC Universe’s Swamp Thing has been a horror show first and foremost.  The show has given the viewer their money’s worth when it comes to jump scares, body horror, and comic book faithfulness.

The latest episode “Brilliant Disguise” is an episode unlike any other this season.  It’s all about character motivation; action and terror take a step back as we dive deep into not only the Green but all the secrets that Marais has been hiding for years.

“Brilliant Disguise” is an episode that has layers upon layers to digest.  The best gossip always finds its way to Avery Sunderland’s doorstep.  Sunderland and Sheriff Cable have more to hide than a simple love affair.  In fact, Avery Sunderland might not be the dirtiest Sunderland under his own roof.

The twists, turns, and drama Swamp Thing provides would make legendary TV producer Aaron Spelling (Beverly Hills, 90210, Melrose Place) proud.   The series does a wonderful job honoring the horror genre it should not be forgotten that it does deliver at times like a primetime soap opera, while not going too far over the top.

What Swamp Thing purists are going to love are the scenes between Swamp Thing/Alec and Abby.  Last episode. Swamp Thing provides Abby with a hallucinogen that gives her the illusion of seeing Alec. Crystal Reed and Andy Bean are that everyday couple you want to root for.  Seeing Alec an Abby share heart to hearts, talking about the Green and exploring Swamp Thing’s powers are a live-action blessing.  Most of their scenes together are shot with Alec Holland/Bean and while they are very good, some of the best scenes in this season.

The few glimpses we get of Swamp Thing are too few and far between.  While it is always nice to see Alec “pop up” from time to time it is the relationship between Swamp Thing and Abby that is the draw.  I can’t get enough of Swamp Thing and Abby and the show nails that aspect perfectly.  Abby really cares for Alec and even after his transformation into Swamp Thing her feelings have only grown stronger.   She knows he is still that man under all the green.

Every Friday Swamp Thing really brings it.  This show will scare you while your jaw drops to the floor.  From jump scares to baby mama drama Swamp Thing has a little bit for everyone.

Seven episodes into the season and Swamp Thing has already exceeded my expectations while leaving me gasping for more.   With only three episodes left I can only see this show revving up the engine.

What else is Avery hiding?

What is going on with Blue Devil?

How gangster is Maria Sunderland?

There are so many more questions to ask.  I know I cannot wait until next Friday to find out more! – Pete Verra


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Peter Verra
Senior BOF contributor covering the Bat-beat since January 2017. Co-host of the "Straight Outta Gotham Podcast." Peter has covered the red carpet premiers of BATMAN: NINJA and REIGN OF THE SUPERMEN. Peter has interviewed various titans the industry such as producer Michael Uslan, producer James Tucker, stuntman Richard Cetrone, Kevin Conroy, Tara Strong, Loren Lester, Tony Todd, Will Friedle, Marie Avgeropoulos and Cress Williams just to name a few! Contact Peter on all social media platforms @PeteIllustrated!